Jair Bolsonaro continues to pressure states into relaxation of lockdown despite contravening numbers

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Despite the daily increase of the COVID 19 virus in Brazil, the President, Jair Bolsonaro, continues to pressure the state Governors into relaxing the lockdown measures and reopening the economy.

The neighbouring country, Argentina is already slowly relaxing their lockdown measures imposed to curb the spread of the COVID 19 virus and reopening their economy.

Argentina has confirmed 7,134 cases of the virus and has recorded 353 deaths. Peru is more reluctant to relaxing the lockdown measures as the number of the confirmed cases of the COVID 19 virus in the country keeps increasing every day.

Peru has confirmed 80,604 cases of the virus and has recorded 2,267 deaths. Brazil has confirmed 203,165 cases of the COVID 19 virus and has recorded 13,999 deaths.