Magufuli warns Citizens against COVID-19 Vaccines!

Tanzanian President, Magufuli reportedly sick with COVID-19 in India

Tanzanian President, John Magufuli, has warned health experts against rushing to acquire and administer the COVID-19 vaccines without proper research.

The President had earlier announced the nation won’t be needing any vaccines, it appears the residents think otherwise

The East-African president warned that vaccinations are dangerous, and thus Tanzanians should not be used as guinea pigs, and if vaccines were such a great thing, there would already be existing vaccines for AIDS, Cancer and Tuberculosis.

He however, continued to urge Tanzanians to continue to take precautions with social distancing as there were no plans to introduce any lockdown measures as the economy coud not withstand it. Tanzania stopped publishing updates on the dreaded virus since June last year.

Although seemingly contrary reports have stemmed from the citizens and the opposition party, the Tanzanian leader continues to maintain that the East African nation is Coronavirus free and God will protect the nation.

Tanzania recently came into the spotlight as EU representatives demanded accountability over the £27 million donated solely for the purpose of combating the virus.

Read more about it here.