What Okorocha told INEC after receiving certificate of return


The Senator representing Imo West Senatorial District, Rochas Okorocha, has commended the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, for “doing the right thing” by issuing him his certificate of return.

INEC had initially refused to issue Okorocha certificate of return on the argument that it was issued under duress.

But, following a court order, the commission had to issue the certificate to Okorocha on Tuesday.

However, Okorocha, while addressing journalists after he was sworn-in at the National Assembly, commended the commission for its decision.

He said: “It will be very surprising to see that INEC will appeal this matter because there is no basis for it.

“Duress means using mild or excessive force to compel someone to do something he or she does not want to do.

“How would you have done that in a returning hall where you have police, SSS and party agents?

“And in my own person walking with gun or machete asking them to write result on my behalf. That didn’t happen. I think there is more to duress than duress itself.”