Valentine Messages: How to Win Her Heart (Part 1)

Valentine Messages: How to Win Her Heart (Part 1)
Valentine Messages: How to Win Her Heart (Part 1)

It’s that time of the year again, Yes! Love is in the air. Feb. 14th is celebrated as St. Valentine’s Day across the world.

The actual purpose for this day has been completely twisted over the centuries, as it was a day initially set aside to honour two Catholic martyrs who were both named Valentine; they got executed by a certain Roman emperor at that time.

Valentine’s Day has now been redefined as a day set aside to celebrate romantic love by couples exchanging gifts, sending the most romantic love notes, going out on special dates and so on; all to rekindle the love flame.

February 14 like I would say, is a ‘Christmas Day for Lovers’. 

As much as this Day is a great reminder for many about how wonderful it feels to be in love with someone, for some it’s just another day to ask this important question, ‘What am I missing in my search for love?

The answers to this question would be addressed for the men first in this episode.

Guys, you might feel 100% you’re ready to give it a try with that lady, but the truth is relationships that last demand beyond just physical or material qualities, you’ve got to address other things which you’d soon find out.

Love works differently for everybody, so most really don’t get to ‘follow the rules’ before finding the right person. However, these 10 steps are relevant for those who’ve repeatedly tried and failed.


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