Trump: U.S. willing to work with changed Iran


US President, Donald Trump, has struck a reconciliatory tone Wednesday afternoon, urging Iran to embrace peace amidst raging fallout over the killing of its general last week.

President Trump said Iran should stop being a rogue state and focus instead on common developmental goals with other countries across the world.

“The destruction of ISIS is good for Iran and we should work together on this and other shared priorities,” he said.

The American leader also said the U.S. does not necessarily have to use its military might.

“Our missiles are big, powerful, accurate, lethal and fast,” Mr Trump said during a televised address Wednesday afternoon. “The fact that we have this great military and equipment, however, does not mean that we have to use it.”

Mr Trump said America has continued to ramp up its nuclear and other military arsenal since he assumed office, but peace was a far better option.

His speech came hours after Iran fired more than a dozen rockets at two Iraqi military bases where Americans were staying.

Mr Trump confirmed no American soldiers were killed or wounded in the attacks, which he said indicated Iran was “standing down.”