Tekashi 6IX9INE asks Judge to give him a second chance in an emotional letter… read

tekashi begs judge for second chance

Tekashi 6IX9INE has in a very emotional letter while acknowledging and taking responsibility for his crimes begged Judge Engelmayer for a lighter sentence.

The MC whose given name is Daniel Hernandez sounded very remorseful as the celebrity says he has now seen the light and though he won’t remain the same and would like to start on a fresh start.

“As my sentencing date approaches, I am becoming more and more overwhelmed with emotions. More than anything, I am extremely grateful for this opportunity to express my remorse to you, your Honor, over this situation.”

Tekashi6IX9INE says, “I know that my life will never be the same but hopefully this change will be for the better because beyond all of this, I still consider myself a role model to millions of people as an artist, a celebrity and as a human being. I’m happy that the public was able to witness me dealing with the consequences of my actions because I feel like it sheds a light on what can come from gang affiliation.”

“I’m truly sorry for the harm that I’ve caused. If given a second chance, I will not let this Court down and I will dedicate a portion of my life to helping others not make the same mistakes that I’ve made.”

Whether the Judge will be offering him a lighter sentence or not will be determined on Wednesday.