Technology giants, Twitter and Facebook mandate staff to work remotely until further notice

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The management of the American microblogging and social networking service, Twitter disclosed that even after the air is clear of the pandemic disease, it’s employees would continue working from home. This was confirmed by their head of Human Resources, Jennifer Christie.

Following the outbreak of coronavirus around the globe, most companies have their employees work from home to reduce crowds in offices in a bid to curtail the spread of the pandemic disease. If one thing, the outbreak has revealed that most work can be digitalized.

Jennifer Christie disclosed that their companies would remain closed till September and employees can return to the office at their own will. Also, if they want to continue getting their jobs done from home, Twitter would allow that and make it possible. She stated.

Following the outbreak of coronavirus, Twitter employees started working from home in March. As gathered, Twitter is one of the companies to start the Stay-home model.

Other technology companies have taken the same approach towards their staff. Facebook has already disclosed plans that the corporation’s staff will be expected to work remotely till the end of the year.