Severe famine threatens 13m in the Horn of Africa – UN.


The World Food Programme (WFP) of the United Nations estimates that 13 million people in the Horn of Africa are facing acute hunger as a result of the ongoing drought.
Families are being forced to flee their homes due to failed crops and food shortages, according to the World Food Programme, and immediate aid is needed to avoid a humanitarian crisis.
Three years in a row, the rainy season has failed, and the drought continues.
Crops are destroyed, livestock is dying, and 13 million Ethiopians, Somalis, and Kenyans are starving.
Food costs are rising, and because there isn’t much to harvest, demand for agricultural labor is declining, putting more strain on households attempting to feed themselves.
A humanitarian crisis, according to the WFP, is unavoidable unless prompt help is provided.
The World Food Programme (WFP) is seeking $327 million (£242 million) to help farmers cope with the drought, both in the short term with food and cash aid and in the long term with building resilience among farming communities where less rain and more drought may become the norm as a result of climate change.