Qatar 2022: Children In Syria’s Refugee Camps Compete In Their Own ‘World Cup’


As the World Cup kicks-off in Qatar, a group of children from refugee camps across Syria gathered in Idlib and launched their own ‘World Cup’ tournament.

The competition started with a festive celebration, followed by a match between young Syrians playing as Ecuador and Qatar. The outcome of that game ended differently to the actual game, with a 1-0 victory for Qatar.

The initiative, launched by ‘Violet’ organization for human rights, brought together children from different camps around Syria and provided them with over six months of training for the event.

32 teams were formed, each representing a country that is playing in the actual World Cup.

Meanwhile, in Azaz camp in Northern Syria, a small plot between tents was used to prop up a big screen, enabling people to watch the World Cup opening ceremony and upcoming matches live.

The screening will be maintained all throughout the World Cup games in this outdoor area despite the cold weather.