Obama’s attorney to file a cease and desist letter against ad misrepresenting Joe Biden

Obama to file a cease and desist over despicable ad

The communication director to the former president of the United States of America Barrack Obama reacted to the ad in South California using Obama’s voice to misrepresent Joe Biden, the 47th Vice President of the U.S who is currently running for President.

The ad presented Obama to have denounced his support for Joe Biden who was his former vice president while in the office. In the same breath, the ad also presented Biden to be in support of plantation politics that puts black people in terrible positions.

Here, black people got the worst jobs, terrible housing and also get treated brutally and unfairly by the police. Since South California has a huge population of black people, the ad was aired there to make the minority voters reluctant to vote for Joe Biden. This will make him less viable and not emerge the Democratic victor in the primary.

Katie Hill, Obama’s spokeswoman reacted to the despicable ad twisting and turning Obama’s words around and called on TV stations to take down the loathsome ad so has not to water down the interest of truth in the advertisement.

The voice of Obama used in the advertisement was from several years back when Obama was reading a quotation about Harold Washington, a quotation from a barber.“

In the interest of truth in advertising, we are calling on TV stations to take this ad down and stop playing into the hands of bad actors who seek to sow division and confusion among the electorate,” Katie stated.

Katie Hill made it known that the former president, however, won’t endorse any candidate in the Primary election. It was also gathered that a cease and desist letter would be filed by Obama’s attorney on behalf of Obama over the despicable ad.