Obama concludes that Trump cannot fill the shoes of a U.S President in mindblowing speech

Barack Obama

In a very unprecedented move by a former President of the United States, Barrack Obama has in a very emotional address cautioned Americans to take heed or suffer a tear down of democracy should President Donald Trump assume a second term as the United States President.

Obama who had since handing over the helm of affairs to Trump managed to stay under the radar disclosed in his speech that he had hoped that Trump would grow into the role of a President but has now decided that he simply can’t, but uses the platform to benefit his friends and acquaintances, he went on to say the sitting President has turned the office into a reality show.

Obama’s message appealed to the populace to take advantage of the upcoming elections as if their destiny depends on it especially young black Americans. Read his statement below

“You can give our democracy new meaning,” he said. “You’re the missing ingredient — the ones who will decide whether or not America becomes the country that fully lives up to its creed.”

This message comes barely two days after his wife, Michelle during the opening night of the convention also categorically expressed her displeasure and urged party members – Democrats to vote because their fate depended on it.

The Obamas are not the only ones who have shown contempt for the US President as Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker stated that the President is ‘ethically unfit’ to be the president. A decision Bolton agrees to.

The President, Trump who was actively watching the conference took to his Twitter handle responding to the unsavoury remarks in shouty caps