Start-Up Fridays: Meet Ankiti Bose, the 27-year-old female Co-founder of a $1 Billion Start-Up

antiki-bose-zilingo founder
Co-Founder of Zilingo

Who would have thought a harmless shopping trip to Thailand would birth Zilingo, a fashion e-commerce store currently valued at almost $1 Billion Dollars.

Ankiti Bose, now 27 years old was just 23 when it all started. She visited Thailand’s iconic weekend market fondly referred to as Chatuchak with over 15,000 stalls and 11,500 independent merchants and decided to give those retailers in SouthEast Asia the opportunity to put up their products online.

Zilingo, currently headquarted in Singapore helps independent fashion retailers sell directly to customers. She knew straight away that she needed to utilize the technology landscape and partnered with Dhruv Kapoor, a software engineer after sharing drinks at a neighbours flat in Bangalore.

Zilingo a word coined from zillion, currently supports 27,000 merchants in over 15 regions and employs over 500 employees.

Ankiti Bose’s Zilingo, a unicorn startup currently at a $970 million valuation in the coming months based on the last round of cash injection is an inspiration to young females on the possibilities of leveraging on the technological space to solve real-world problems.

Source: CNBC