Mauritius completes tests on 22,634 in the forefront battling COVID-19

Mauritius has extended its lockdown as death toll rises

Mauritius finally wrapped up the screening of 22 634 individuals fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. The Indian Ocean Island used the Rapid Antigen Tests and 17 656 PCR tests since the outbreak of the pandemic disease in the nation.

The numerical data was made available by the Ministry of Health and Wellness in an official statement to the media.

Currently, in the Republic of Mauritius, there are no new confirmed cases of coronavirus. Also, the number of active cases in the country is currently at 3, a drop from 5. 3 infected patients flew out of the country abroad for treatment.

314 infected patients recovered from the virus, 100 persons are currently under quarantine while the country’s COVID-19 death poll remains at 10.