Krispy Kreme founders donate millions to Holocaust Survivors and Labourers

reimann family donates millions to holocaust surviviors

Many are not surprised as one of Germany’s richest family, The Reimann family, who are the owners of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts decided to dish out millions to those that survived the Holocaust and also to forced labourers’.

This Reimann family is notable for the history of their company towards Nazi support. To the survivors and the forced labourers, the family has decided to give 5 million Euros each.

The family who realized that they used forced labourers in the year before World War II and also supported the Nazi Regime at Benckister a predecessor of one of the companies the family controls. The JAB Holding Company is worth more than $20 billion. 883 forced labourers who worked for Benckiser have been identified.

The family also extended their donations to other institutions who have helped forced labourers. They put out that this spring, they would donate $11.3 million to these institutions.

The huge sum donated by the Krispy Kreme family will make a significant change has the money will be shared over a period of three years. Julius Berman President of the claims conference said.

The money donated will help both the poor, elderly survivors of the holocaust to live well.

To strengthen democracies and also protect minority groups in the west, the family has an annual budget of 25 million Euros from the Landecker Foundation.