Italian Football Coach nixed for abusing Greta Thunberg on Facebook

Tommaso Casalini fired for hate speech

Tommaso Casalini has been fired from the Italian Serie D Club after calling teenage climate activist a Wh***. Read his pronouncements on facebook below

“This wh**e! A 16-year-old can take a pounding, she’s at the right age,”

The football club immediately took action firing the young coach for the offensive remarks on his social media page which according to the statement was not in accordance with the club’s moral values.

He eventually released a public statement of apology to both Greta Thunberg and everyone disclosing that the statement was only written out of anger.

“I’d like to publicly apologise to everyone, starting with Greta Thunberg, for the post I wrote on Facebook last week. It was an outburst written in a moment of anger against the young Swedish activist with absolutely the wrong language and content I regret,” he said.