HBO Boss sticks up for Game Of Thrones amid pacing criticism

Game Of Thrones

HBO chiefs have defended the most recent series of Game Of Thrones, following many fans’ complaints that the last set of episodes left them dissatisfied.

Game Of Thrones finally came its conclusion on Monday, in a finale episode that saw Bran installed as King, the North gain independence and Jon banished to the Night’s Watch (again).

However, some viewers have admitted that they were less than impressed with the final season, with many of these complaints stemming from the fact they felt that key events were rushed.

Casey Bloys, the programming president for HBO, who make the show, has now dismissed this critique, telling Variety: “File this under you can’t please everybody.”

Elaborating further, he said: “The guys [showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss] have had a very, very specific plan in their head for a long time. This was not something that was kind of slapdash, where at the end of last season we said, ‘Eh, we only feel like doing six’.

“They were very, very deliberate. This was well thought out I think the guys did a great job.”

Those who still have fond feelings towards Game Of Thrones can breathe a sigh of relief though, as it’s already been confirmed that as many as three spin-off shows are currently in the works, one of which is to begin filming later this year.

Author working on numerous other new TV shows (and a video game) that will not be Game Of Thrones-related.