G20 Summit: Why this Particular summit is Important!

g20 summit 2019

The long awaited G20 Summit! For the United States and China at least. The Chinese President Xi Jinping has arrived in Osaka, Japan while United States President Donald Trump is en route for a 2-day G20 leaders summit.

Although the G20 summit is held yearly, this particular one is important because it will determine for the U.S and China the direction the Trade Tariff War will take.

President Trump had indicated that should things go south on a trade deal with Xi, he will not resist placing tariffs on all other Chinese imports coming into the United States.

Both Countries have hitherto exchanged tariffs on goods entering their borders based on disagreements where the United States accused China on reneging on pledges to reform her economy

The duo recently made some progress over the phone ahead of the summit according to U.S President, Donald Trump



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