France’s Macron unveils $9.3bn anti-poverty Plan 

The French president, Emmanuel Macron on Thursday unveiled 9.3 billion dollars’ anti-poverty plan targeted at getting people into work and helping the young.
Macron in a speech Thursday at the Museum of Mankind in Paris said: “I don’t want a plan to help poor people to better live poor. I want them to be given the choice, and the possibility, not to be poor anymore.”
The plan focuses on better education for poor children and providing help to unemployed people to get back to work, rather than financial aid only.
Measures include places in the nursery to free up parents for jobs or training, school breakfasts in poor neighbourhoods and compulsory job training for school leavers under 18.
With his popularity slumping, the former investment banker wants to convince voters that his reform agenda does not only benefit the wealthy.
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