Chelsea fine Kepa Arrizabalaga a week’s wage

Chelsea fine Kepa Arrizabalaga a week's wage

Chelsea has fined goalkeeper, Kepa Arrizabalaga a week’s wage for his shameful act of refusing to be substituted during the Carabao Cup final on Sunday.

Chelsea fine Kepa Arrizabalaga a week's wage

The club’s record £71m signing defied coach Maurizio Sarri’s attempt to substitute him for Willy Caballero just before the penalty shoot-out, the act of insubordination infuriated Sarri and the footballing world. Kepa Arrizabalaga has apologized for his actions, stating it was a mere misunderstanding.

Chelsea has confirmed that the fine paid by Kepa will be donated to the Chelsea Foundation. 

Photo credit: CNN International, Eurosport.