Can you guess the most downloaded app in 2018? No! It’s not Facebook or Instagram

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Tiktok most downloaded app in 2018, 2019 & 2020

TikTok is an app which simply lets you lip-synch to popular music videos and has taken over Facebook, Instagram on both the Android and iOS app store with an estimated 663 million downloads in just 2018 alone.

TikTok formerly called with an estimated $75 billion valuation is gaining strong on Popular social giant Facebook worth $465 billion, albeit quietly. The app was bought by ByteDance in 2017 and most of the users of the app are from Asia.

TikTok faces its own share of legal issues since most of its users are children and has failed to seek parental consent before collecting the kids data. This has cost the company an estimated $5.7 million to settle. Not only that, the platform has become a place where abusers come to woo young users.