Adopted American Citizen, Sarah finds out she’s a Sierra Leonean Princess!

Sarah Culbertson an african princess

Sarah Culbertson found out she is a Sierra Leonean royal via a phone call from her uncle who claims because of her change of name, it had been so difficult to find her.

The story sharing the same plot with The Princess Diary only helps to remind us that sometimes, fairytales do come true.

Culbertson had hired a private investigator to help trace her origin after finding out her mother had died, out of curiosity to meet her birth father. It wasn’t all rosy according to her but is happy to be reunited with her roots.

She was eventually intimated of her royal link by her uncle. On her discovery, her kins welcomed her with songs and dancing.

She has now written a book titled Princess Found and hopes to make it into a movie eventually. She has also embarked on a non-profit project with hopes to impart the local community in Sierra Leone.