Adamu Garba withdraws case against Twitter founder, Jack

Adamu Garba

Former Presidential Candidate, Adamu Garba II, who filed a case against Jack Dorsey. The CEO of Twitter has retraced his steps unilaterally.

In a tweet titled ‘UPDATE ON MY CASE WITH JACK & TWITTER’ on the said platform which he wanted to be banned from all crannies of Nigeria in the aftermath of the #ENDSARS movement, Garba opined that the intentions behind the lawsuit had been achieved and as such he asked his lawyers to withdraw the case.

On the same note, he took the opportunity to apologise to all and sundry for his stance during the #ENDSARS movement.

The sudden announcement has generated sneers from users on the platform who deduced that after seeing what happened to the US President, Donald Trump with his account banned indefinitely, the erstwhile politician realized he must be out of his league.