Uganda attempts to settle the Nile River dispute between Ethiopia and Egypt

UN Secretary General asks ethiopia, sudan and egypt to

Egypt and Ethiopia have been having a dispute over the River Nile for a long time and it doesn’t look like either of them will be backing down soon.

Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the president of Uganda has decided to put a stop to it and make peace.
Ethiopia wants to build a dam on the Nile River, “The Grand Renaissance Dam”, and Egypt is completely against it.

Egypt has political claim over the Nile River and they insist that if Ethiopia should build a dam over the river it will consume a large percentage of the water and cause a draught it Egypt.

The water from the Nile River flows into the farms in Egypt and the dam could reduce their production and cut off their food supply.

As a solution to this dispute Museveni suggests that Ethiopia constructs their dam on the Congo River, the second largest river in the world, the Congo river is many times larger than the Nile.

The River Congo discharges water of approximately 41,200 cubic metres per second while the Nile discharges water of approximately 2,830 cubic metres per second.

President Museveni addressed this subject at the African Water Association (AFWA) meeting in Kampala on Monday 24th of February 2020.  

He also said that other countries in Africa need to assist the Democratic Republic of Congo to achieve security and peace to have easy access to the water.