Namibian Traders protest as Government bans transportation of Mangoes

Edo state osunde begins to issue id cards to traders

Fruit hawkers have cried out to the government to please allow the transportation and movement of Mangoes from their region to several parts of the country. In 2019 because of the fear in the break of the Asian fruit fly, the Agriculture ministry banned the transportation of Mango in the Zambezi region.

After the ministry found out that mangoes are brought in through Wenela border from Zambia to Namibia, they took a quick and swift step to put a stop to this because of the risk it posed on the country, the loss it could bring to the country and also how it could seriously affect the importation of fruits produced locally.

The fruit hawkers who seem to totally disagree with the government on this argued that there is still no proof of the outbreak of Asian fruit fly and the government only did this to its own benefit which is to favour the South African market who sells mangoes in most stores in Namibia.

The fruit hawkers who already raised a petition that was posted on the internet have already 400 signatures on the petition. The hawkers who are ready to see that Mangoes are being sold and transported again keep pushing the petition and waiting for the government to revert the ban.

However, the spokesperson for the agriculture ministry said all of the rules and bans put in place by the government is for the benefit of the people and the country.