Zimbabwe LGBTQ Communities Suffer More Abuse From Family Members


The Zimbabwe LGBTQ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer) communities have reported inhumane and abusive treatment towards them from many.

Statistical report shows that there is an increasingly high rate of violence in Zimbabwe against the LGBTQ community and its members.

Members of this community have reported that it is not only strangers who are abusive towards them but family members also.

They claim that the level of abuse they endured from their family is much higher than what they experience with strangers.

In a poll that was conducted, about 41.5% of the LGBTQ members said that they’ve experienced abused because of their sexual orientation.

Out of the 41.5% who have endured abuse because of their SOGIESC  (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics), 54.9% said that they experience abuse from their family members.

7.2% said the abuse came from police and law enforcement officers, 19% were perpetrated by strangers and 12% from their communities and people they know and are familiar with.