Meet Katie Bouman, the Genius behind the Blackhole Photograph!

Meet Katie Bouman, the Genius behind the Blackhole Photograph!

Katie Bouman is a Postdoctoral fellow currently working with the Event Horizon Telescope. Although news broke of the first ever taken Blackhole photograph, not enough credit was given to its originator as Twitter folks took to sharing the news far and wide.

She led the development of an algorithm as a Graduate Student at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory that made the first photogragh of the Blackhole possible.

Bouman had in an interview with MIT News as far back as 2016 explained the process involved in making a blackhole photograph a reality. Read Below;

“Just like how radio frequencies will go through walls, they pierce through galactic dust. We would never be able to see into the center of our galaxy in visible wavelengths because there’s too much stuff in between, taking a picture of the black hole in the center of the Milky Way galaxy is equivalent to taking an image of a grapefruit on the moon, but with a radio telescope.”

Katie Bouman

Many comments surfaced online with people commenting that Katie Bouman wasn’t receiving enough credit for her invention as most of the credit were being ascribed to the Event Horizon Team and starting taking measures to correct that.

MIT via their Twitter Profile indeed confirmed the great feat Bouman achieved some 3 years ago.