Much Ado about the COVID-19 Vaccines…

Much Ado about the COVID-19 Vaccines...

At a time on the planet, where everyone is managing their unique feedback response to a Once-in-a-Century type of of occurence – a pandemic, there appears to be so much confusion and compulsion for something that we haven’t quite figured out yet! Stay with me on this one…

Yes, a dangerous and deadly coronavirus (COVID-19) – took over last year causing the whole world to spiral into a state of introspection, lockdowns, speculations and haphazard economic consequences, flamboyant for some and not so much for the others. The effects are still cutting deep for so many industries and persons. For one, females in the workplace have been set back by quite a few years in the quest for equity in the workplace, many small businesses have also shut down while some are still struggling to stay above board.

There, however, remains some industries that are yet to pick up fully, those that have to do with the movement of people, there is also the issue of return to normalcy at the workplace and practically everywhere. It would be nice to know that you can move around freely without being at risk of a disease that could cost you your life just because we went to the supermarket, wouldn’t it?

All very valid concerns I might add and in need of a swift solution, which brings us up to the subject matter – the vaccines. I must offer praise when it is due and for the researchers who have worked tirelessly on the mRNA over the years and reduced the response time to stop the most adverse effect of the deadly virus, adulations are certainly in order. It is heartwarming to know that there are clinically tested methods to withstand the terrible effects that come with a delibitating but likely infection.

Since the COVID-19 emergence, several variants have emerged as well… Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Mu, and Delta variants. Yes, I kept notes and with these new developments, vaccines which we assumed and hoped will be a cure all and keep the COVID-19 fangs away seem to also be evolving as well. There was the two first shots narrative, and more recently a booster shot is in the works for at the moment, more developed climes. There are also news of the effect of the vaccines lasting for six months… it goes on. This, by the way is normal, and should be expected.

As we unravel the best ways to conquer the virus, there is a current crackdown on movement of persons who have not been vaccinated or unwilling to be. They are getting marginalised across the globe by several governments including potentially, as of this writing, the United States, Italy,beven some parts of Africa where the lowest impact of the pandemic has been felt thus far. An approach which can be described at best as questionable.

It may soon be passed into law that, there is a heavy inclination towards it, suggesting that unvaccinated persons should be denied some basic civilities, contrary to their human rights, whether they have the virus or not. The irony of this is, as the virus evolves, some variants… the Delta variant for instance are still transmissible even with vaccinations to the vaccinated. So what now, will COVID-19 continue for eternity?

Well, some countries, like Germany, India have taken a different approach to curbing the spread, considering that of course there will always be doubting thomases, those who want to make sure the coast is clear, and not without reason to that might take longer than most to come around by investing in affordable testing kits that allow citizens test and successfully isolate if positive, while those who are not are able to continue life normally. Why isn’t there more emphasis on isolating the bubbles of the virus? In a world where vaccines are not all the answers, why is the globe polarized on vaccines as the only way out?