Here’s another Reason to Eat Chocolates!

Here's another Reason to Eat Chocolates!

Asides the many benefits of chocolates including reduced heart diseases, a good source of antioxidants, skin protection and so many more, there’s one more reason why you should indulge at least once in a while.

Hersheys have redesigned their iconic chocolate bar after 125 years to esteem Emoji’s – happy joyful emoji’s. So if the natural dopamine is not enough to liven up your mood, maybe the smiling emoticon on the chocolate bar will.

Why emoticons you say?

Well, emoticons are gradually taking over our major forms of expression especially amongst millennials

Caveat: It’s only for a limited time this summer for the Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Emoji Bar! Someone should convince them to make it a regular, I know I will:)!