Dubai Authorities to deport Naked Balcony Photoshoot Crew

Dubai Authorities to deport Naked Balcony Photoshoot Crew

The authorities of the UAE have disclosed that the 11 Ukrainians and Russian Photography all involved in a Naked Photoshoot will be deported after getting arrested for public debauchery and spreading pornography.

The 11 women were lined up nude on a balcony in broad daylight to have their photos taken and were concurrently filmed in a neighbouring market. The video was widely shared on major social media platforms.

The UAE authorities have frowned upon the gesture as even public display of affection such as kissing is a known crime. The Attorney General, Issam Issa Humaidan has disclosed that all those involved in the photoshoot will be deported instead of a state trial.

It is unclear if this is due to the upcoming Ramadan season, but nudity usually attracts a fine of 5000 dirhams upwards.