Democrats begin process of impeaching President Donald Trump

nancy pelosi on impeachment proceedings
Nancy pelosi

Following the mass revolt at the US Capitol which led to the death of at least four people, US Democrats have drafted articles of impeachment against the sitting President, Donald Trump on charges of inciting violence against the government.

The House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi had disclosed that if Trump did not resign, a motion for impeachment would be enacted. Impeachment allows for a forcible removal of a sitting US president under the 25th Amendment.

It is unclear if the impeachment will be invoked as majority of the cabinet as well as the Vice President, Mike Pence will need to declare Trump unfit to rule, all within the less that 11 days for Trump to complete is tenure.

Moreover, Mitch Connell had expressed that because the next Senate hearing was due for the 19th of January, it is most likely that an impeachment trial will ensue before Trump’s time as President elapses. The inauguration ceremony for Joe Biden is scheduled for the 20th of January, 2021.

An event Trump has announced he would not be attending to the chagrin of many in a TWEET. Some Republicans have, however, expressed that due to Trump’s disregard for his oath of office, they would strongly consider impeachment.

Many social media platforms have moved to disable the President’s handles, some permanently while others, just until the new president is sworn in by the 20th of January.

If the impeachment proceedings succeed, Donald Trump will make history as the first US President to be impeached twice.