Author, Dean Koontz, predicted the Coronavirus outbreak over 40 years ago


A 40-year-old novel named ‘The Eye of Darkness’ predicted the coronavirus.
Dean Koontz, a 74-year-old American author of ‘The Eye of Darkness’ wrote about a virus similar to the Coronavirus which began in Wuhan in his book 40 years ago.

In the novel, the virus was named Wuhan – 400. It was developed by Chinese military scientists as a powerful weapon designed for population control in China.

A quote from the book talked about how the Wuhan-400 virus couldn’t survive out of the human body for more than a minute, just like Syphilis.

The coronavirus (COVID 19) has taken the lives of over 1800 people around the world, mostly in Wuhan, China including a medical director in Wuhan. About 73200 cases have been confirmed in 25 countries.