News Flash: A new planet has just been discovered by a teenager, Wolf Cukier!


Should you perhaps get asked as of today how many planets currently exist in the Solar System and you respond with the famed ‘9’ you will be wrong because as you read this, a new planet has been discovered by a seventeen-year-old on his third day interning at NASA.

According to his supervisor, Veselin Kostov, Cukier is really smart and has developed a good understanding of the aeronautical field. He suspected something suspicious while looking at an image that displayed a mysterious additional feature.

On noticing, he alerted his supervisor, who then with him conducted multiple investigations by looking through multiple data sets. After two to three months, it was finally established that indeed in addition to the existing nine planets, a new one had just been found.

What’s more, Kostov believes that this is just the beginning as more planets will soon be unravelled.

The newly discovered planet dubbed TOI 1338b, for now, is twice a large as the Earth and is home to two stars according to NASA. Wolf’s brother even suggested the perfect name for the planet – Wolftopia while Wolf is figuring out his plans for summer and looking forward to attending Princeton, Stanford or MIT for his major in astrophysics or physics.