Ethiopia PM launches 4 billion tree planting project (Photos)

500,000 rural dwellers receive start up capital

Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed has over the weekend kicked off a mission to plant four billion trees across Africa’s second most populous nation.

The tree planting initiative is flagged under the banner of the Green Development Program. It would fully kick off during the rainy season.

“Over the past years Ethiopia’s forest coverage has decreased (in recent years) and the initiative is set mobilize national reforestation at 40 trees per head,” the PM’s office said in a social media post.

Abiy tasked the National Agri Transformation leaders, alongside top government officials on their role in modernizing he Agricultural sector.

In recent years, Ethiopia has suffered from the negative impact of climate change, especially droughts in many parts of the country.

Ethiopia PM launches 4 billion tree planting project (Photos)
Ethiopia PM launches 4 billion tree planting project (Photos)
Ethiopia PM launches 4 billion tree planting project (Photos)
Ethiopia PM launches 4 billion tree planting project (Photos)