Raped 16-year-old Special Student gives birth Twice in Uganda

raped special student in uganda

A special needs student in the Jinja District of Uganda has now given birth twice within the span of 18 months after two separate rape incidents. The teenager, who is visually impaired is unable to, unfortunately, identify her assailants on both occasions.

Her mother is now seeking assistance considering there are no financial resources to take care of the infants. She mentioned that the lockdowns have exposed her child to sexual abuse, an occurrence that would have been prevented if the children were still enrolled in school.

She is not alone as the headteacher at her school corroborated the narrative that many schoolgirls reported to have been sexually abused, leaving their relatives at a loss of what to do. She also mentioned that the students were beneficiaries of

Covid-19 has adversely affected our children with disabilities; before the pandemic, some of these children got sponsors who bought for them clothes, treated and fed them at school, which their parents had failed to provide. The situation is very sad,” she said.

The young lady is now undergoing family planning.