Biden and Putin to meet today over strained U.S Russia Relationship

Biden and Putin to meet today over U.S Russia Relationship

Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin have started their meeting in Geneva where they will thrash out most of the US-Russia tensions that have accumulated over the years.

While both parties have anticipated little or no deliverables from this meeting, both are expecting a productive session. The meeting is expected to last for 5 hours without food breaks as the two leaders mull over the Cold War Summit by both nations’ past presidents in 1985.

Issues such as Cyberattacks and the meddling of the past two presidential elections will be broached, also more sensitive topics such as human rights violations against Ukraine while Russia will challenge the US’s power play in global affairs.

Recall that Joe Biden in an interview with the ABC News network suggested that Putin had no soul and that he believed him to be a killer. A poignant allegation that Putin responded with the classic ‘it takes one to know one‘ analogy.