Withheld Salaries: University Staff Unions Declare Nationwide Protest


The Joint Action Committee (JAC) of the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) and the Non-Academic Staff Union of Educational and Associated Institutions (NASU) has directed its members to commence a nationwide protest on Tuesday.

This decision comes after the federal government’s unsuccessful attempt to address the unions’ grievances regarding four months of withheld salaries.

In a statement jointly signed by SSANU National President Comrade Mohammed Haruna Ibrahim and his NASU counterpart Peters Adeyemi in Abuja, the union leadership accused the federal government of failing to demonstrate a convincing commitment to paying withheld salaries and resolving other outstanding grievances of the two unions.

The unions have expressed frustration over what they perceive as the government’s disregard for their financial and welfare concerns, and they have planned a series of industrial actions in response to the government’s lack of commitment.