France: Navy Escorts Tanker In Gulf Of Guinea After Hijackers Abandon Ship


The French navy has escorted a tanker to port in the Gulf of Guinea after pirates abandoned the vessel and kidnapped some of the crew.

The Liberian-flagged oil and chemical tanker Monjasa Reformer with 16 crew members was last weekend hijacked by five armed assailants 140 miles west of the Republic of Congo’s Port Pointe-Noire.

The hijackers abandoned the ship late on Thursday (March 30) but took some crew members with them, Danish shipping company Monjasa, which owns the vessel, said on Friday.

The rescued crew members are all in good health, and will be returned to Lome, Togo. The company did not say how many crew members were missing.

The company is still waiting to be contacted by the kidnappers and is working with external experts to establish different scenarios for when that happens, he said.

There was no damage reported to the ship or its cargo, Monjasa said.