Take Front Row In Protecting National Assets, Buhari Tells Men


President Muhammadu Buhari has extolled the leadership qualities of men and calls on them to take the front seat in protecting the nation’s assets.

Buhari made the call while rejoicing with them on the 2022 International Men’s Day (IMD).

Presidential aide, Femi Adesina, said in a statement issued on Friday, President Buhari called on men to take the front row in safeguarding and protecting national assets and shun acts of violence, like targeting of the offices and stores of the electoral body, which only adds to the cost of governance and projects the country as unstable.

He noted that men play key roles in ensuring a safer and more peaceful environment.

The President commends the Local Organizing Committee of the IMD for setting an agenda for the 2023 elections and remaining faithful in sensitizing men to be more patriotic, responsive, and inclusive in decision making, at home, and in the public.

This year’s IMD theme is: ‘Men Leading by Example’,