Elon Musk: Twitter Will Do Alot Of Dumb Thing Says Musk


Elon Musk has scrapped Twitter’s new ‘Official’ verification label just hours after it was launched.

The social media platform had earlier started to roll out grey ticks and an ‘Official’ label to high-profile accounts in its latest approach to verification. But users noticed the label disappeared around 5pm, with the world’s richest man Musk tweeting “I just killed it”, adding: “Blue check will be the great leveller”.

Musk, who completed a takeover of the platform last month, then tweeted: “Please note that Twitter will do lots of dumb things in coming months. “We will keep what works and change what doesn’t.”

Twitter is preparing to allow any user to sign up for a blue-tick verification badge by subscribing to the Twitter Blue service and paying $8 (£7) a month.

But the move has sparked outrage, with some concerned it will make it harder to identify authentic accounts on the site.

With Musk reportedly planning to bring back banned accounts such as Donald Trump’s, a number of celebrities have said they will no longer use the platform