DRC: Protests Rage Against M23 Rebels As Discontent Against Occidental Powers Rise


The European Union flag was set on fire in the city of Bukavu in eastern DRC as hundreds of Congolese protested against the M23 rebels expressing their discontent with the involvement of great powers such as the United States, Great Britain and France.

Hundreds of citizens protested in the city of Bukavu in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo against the M23 rebels that they accuse Rwanda and Uganda of supporting with the sponsorship of great powers like the United States and Great Britain.

The President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Felix Tshisekedi called the youth of his country to organize themselves in groups of vigilance in the face of the M23 rebellion which, he reaffirmed, benefits from the support of Rwanda.

According to him, Rwanda has expansionist ambitions, with its main interest in appropriating our minerals, he accused, in a message to the nation broadcast on national television.