Promoting National Unity: Boys’ Brigade Urges Youths To Shun Political Thuggery


The Boys Brigade of Nigeria, Kudensa Battalion Council, various Schools in Kaduna state, and other well-meaning Nigerians have called for National prayers, peace, and unity as the panacea for sustainable growth and development of the country as one indivisible, formidable Nigeria.

They say that peace is power in diversity irrespective of religious, cultural difference, ethnicity, and regional background as one Nigeria big family of our fathers land.

The Chairman of BB Kudensa Battalion Council, Ezra Ladan appealed to all Nigerian youths to abstain from drugs and anything that will tarnish their images, and not allow themselves to be used as tools for political violence in the country.

Also Speaking, the patron of the battalion council, Kunat Bilatus maintained that discipline, loyalty, and self-control is the cardinal aim of the boys’ Brigade saying no nation grows when youths are not trained in the fear of God, good moral as there will be no peace and unity in Nigeria.