Russia: School Shooting Leaves 13 Dead, Including Children


A gunman with a swastika on his teeshirt killed 13 people, including seven children, and wounded more than 20 at a school in Russia on Monday (September 26) before committing suicide, investigators said.

The identity of the attacker and the motive for the shooting in Izhevsk, about 970 km (600 miles) east of Moscow, were not clear.

Russia’s Investigative Committee, which handles major crimes, said the gunman was wearing a balaclava. It released a short video showing his body lying on the floor of a classroom with overturned furniture and papers strewn on the floor. He was dressed all in black, with a red swastika in a circle drawn on his t-shirt.

The committee said the six adult victims included teachers and security guards. It said 21 people, including 14 children, were wounded.