After 117 years, the South Sudanese kingdom was restored.


After more than a century since the death of its last monarch, one of South Sudan’s oldest kingdoms has been resurrected.
In 1905, British officers on patrol assassinated King Gbudue, but his great-grandson was installed as the Azande’s monarch on Wednesday.
Hundreds of people attended Wilson Peni Rikito Gbudue’s coronation, according to his brother, who spoke to the BBC from the palace in Yambiyo, Western Equatoria State.”There will be celebrations throughout the night and throughout this week,” Prince Daniel Badagbue Rimbasa remarked.He described it as a pivotal milestone in the Azande people’s history.
“We must rebuild our culture and foster peaceful coexistence among our people,” says the author.
The prince disputed that the Azande lobbied for the kingdom’s re-establishment in order to gain political clout in Western Equatoria.
“It’s solely for the promotion of our culture, preservation, and heritage, not for political reasons.”