The International Court of Justice will rule on the DR Congo-Uganda reparations issue.


The International Court of Justice in The Hague is set to rule on the long-running dispute between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda on Wednesday. Both countries are seeking compensation for wars that occurred in the DR Congo’s mineral-rich Ituri province between 1998 and 2003.
In 2005, a court-ordered that Uganda must compensate the Democratic Republic of Congo for its occupation and pillage in Ituri. It also found the Democratic Republic of Congo responsible for an attack on Uganda’s embassy in Kinshasa and ordered it to pay reparations.
The neighbours were instructed by the court to negotiate mutual restitution, but they were unable to reach an agreement, and Kinshasa took the issue back to court in 2015.
The Democratic Republic of Congo is seeking more than $11 billion (£8 billion) in compensation for Uganda’s occupancy, which Kampala has dismissed as “disproportionate. “At 14:00 GMT, the court is expected to render a decision.