3-weeks-old Baby found Floating in River Ganga

3 weeks old baby found floating in the Ganga

A 3 weeks old baby girl was discovered in a wooden box by an Indian boatman after he heard her cries. The baby, a girl was sheltered in a red blanket with her exact birth date and time on a horoscope card with the inscription – Daughter of the Ganga.

She was floating in a wooden box when the boatman, Gullu Chaudhary found her as bystanders gathered. The Indian Government has now launched an investigation to trace how she ended up in the river. They have also disclosed plans to bear the cost of raising the child.

It has not been established why the poor child was abandoned to float down the Ganges River, however, the United Nations Population Fund claim that missing female births are not a rarity in India as many often abandon their female children in poor families because they are considered an economic liability as they cannot work in the farms and a heavy brideprice has to be paid when they get married.