Museveni vows to bring Gen. Edward Wamala’s assailants to Justice

Uganda: Two charged with Murder over death of Minister Wamala's daughter

General Edward Katumba Wamala extended his gratitude to the boda boda good samaritan who saved his life during the course of an assassination attempt that claimed his daughter’s and driver’s life.

The former army commander claims the boda boda man helped him onto his tricycle to help him get first aid during the uneventful. With no motive for the attack established yet, Wamala claims the situation could have been much worse.

According to him, his injuries are not alarming, despite having to remove one of the bullets, the other one affected his arteries, which may require some further deliberation. He also extended his gratitude to the Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni for his calls and concern.

The attack on Wamala is another in the recent spate of violence against high-profile victims.