Mali: President Col. Goita names Choguel Kokalla Maiga as new Prime Minister

Choguel Kokalla Maiga

Col. Assimi Goita who installed himself as transitional President of Mali after ousting interim leader Bah Ndaw and his Prime Minister out of office has now appointed Choguel Kokalla Maiga as the country’s new civilian Prime Minister.

Bah Ndaw was made to exit office by writing a resignation letter under duress in captivity for himself after dismissing the Prime Minister.

The debacle has led to suspensions from both ECOWAS and the African Union who are now demanding for a civilian election to run its due course as earlier slated ofr February next year

Maiga is the leader of the M5 RFP movement that led the anti-government protests last year on grounds of widespread corruption and a failing economy.