Nigeria’s woes continue as young skilled workers emigrate in droves

Top Five Reasons why Nigerian Youths want to Japa!

With the rising spate of insecurity, economic downturn, and willing immigration invites from other countries, Nigeria’s youth are emigrating out in mass numbers to salvage what appears to be the only opportunity at a meaningful life.

Even though the move is not surprising, following the brutal crackdown of its budding young population at the #ENDSARS protest, a movement which has for the most part not yielded the desired results for its younger population; a hard business climate and ultimately the incessant levels of kidnapping and violent attacks, tomorrow seems like a mirage for many young ones within the country’s borders.

Furthermore, countries with a largely older population seeking younger people to sustain their workforces such as the UK and Canada have not stopped offering favorable immigration invites to young skilled workers from countries such as Nigeria, it appears in addition to its other resources, Nigeria is now losing her most valuable asset – her skilled young people.