Catholic Bishops consider banning Joe Biden from taking Communions

Catholic Bishops consider banning Joe Biden from taking Communions

As concerns from the Catholic Church to Joe Biden’s ears to not legalize abortion have fallen on deaf ears, The Roman Catholic Church is considering placing a ban on US President over his move to grant abortion rights.

Of course within religious doctrines, abortion must be considered as murder and as a result, Joe Biden as a staunch catholic should know better that to allow for such heinous crimes against human progeny to occur.

As a result, a debate has ensued to determine if the United States President is worthy of the communion or not. Christianity of course is many things but one can only wonder if it is really in the jurisdiction of the catholic priests to determine who gets communion or not, considering the fact that the Christain God asks that christains themselves do not not judge.

Whatever happened to praying and fasting???

Furthermore, if the entire United States is not a solely Christain society, is the catholic church expecting the U.S President to impose Christain-specific norms on the entire nation just because he happens to be one himself?

And finally, while it is one thing to legalize abortion, isn’t it up to the individual in question to exercise their freewill in getting a foetus removed or not; in that scenario, is Joe Biden really culpable for those Roman Catholic Crimes?