China groans as U.K grants, Hong Kong Activist, Nathan Law Asylum

China groans as UK grants Hong Kong Activist Asylum

China has accused the United Kingdom of harbouring a criminal suspect after it granted asylum to Nathan Law, a Hong Kong activist and former Politician.

Nathan who disclosed that he had been granted asylum by Britain following the warrant for his arrest based on the recent National Security Law is wanted for sedition, secession, foreign collusion and terrorism in his home country.

In a statement, China rebuked the move by the UK government and ascribed it to a gross interference in Hong Kong’s judicial affairs and a breach of international law and basic norms governing international relations.

As many as 10,200 Hong Kong protesters have been arrested for participating in what could be described as the largest protest of its kind at the time.

Law’s counterparts, Agnes Chow and Joshua Wong were both jailed for spearheading the protest that shook the city of Hong Kong. The protests begun as a clamour for the reversal of an extradition bill until it evolved into a blown out cry against mainland China’s suppressive laws.